Patanjali Samadhi : A Journey from Division to Unity

An image of a castle with a rainbow over it, symbolizing Patanjali's Samadhi journey towards unity.

Introduction: Patanjali Samadhi

Patanjali, the ancient sage and scholar, offers profound insights into the nature of samadhi, the ultimate state of consciousness. In his teachings, he divides the path to samadhi into distinct steps, each leading the seeker closer to the ultimate goal. While the ultimate itself is indivisible and devoid of steps, Patanjali’s division serves as a practical guide for the wandering mind. This article explores the journey from division to unity in the pursuit of samadhi, emphasizing the importance of refining the mind.

1. Samprajnata Samadhi – The First Step:

The initial step on this transformative journey is known as “samprajnata samadhi.” Here, Patanjali instructs that the mind must be retained in its purity. Contrary to the idea of dropping the mind, he emphasizes the impossibility of doing so while it is impure. The impurities in the mind act like a weight, making it cling to thoughts and desires. To progress, the mind must be refined and purified until it becomes so subtle that it no longer clings to impurities.

2. The Perfectionist Mind:

Patanjali points out that the mind has a natural tendency towards completion and perfection. Just as an artist cannot forget an incomplete painting until it is finished, the mind holds onto incomplete thoughts and desires. This is why, according to Patanjali, dropping thinking is only possible when thinking is so perfect that there is nothing left to be done about it. In this way, he challenges the notion of simply “dropping” the mind, highlighting the importance of achieving a purified and perfected state.

3. Asamprajnata Samadhi – The Second Step:

The second step on this path is “asamprajnata samadhi.” In this state, the mind disappears, leading to a profound silence and absence of thoughts. However, Patanjali cautions that even when the conscious mind dissolves, subtle seeds of the past remain in the unconscious. This division between conscious and unconscious is crucial in Patanjali’s teachings.

4. Sabeej Samadhi – Seeds in the Unconscious:

Patanjali further divides the unconscious into two stages. The first stage, “sabeej samadhi,” is when the unconscious still contains seeds of past experiences and tendencies. These seeds have the potential to sprout and influence future experiences.

5. Nirbeej Samadhi – The Ultimate Unity:

The culmination of Patanjali’s teachings is “nirbeej samadhi,” where the unconscious is completely devoid of seeds. In this state of perfect unity, the practitioner attains the ultimate ecstasy, with no seeds to sprout and guide them on further journeys into existence. Here, the seeker experiences a profound disappearance into the boundless unity of consciousness.


Patanjali’s teachings on samadhi provide a structured approach to achieving the ultimate state of consciousness. By dividing the journey into steps, he guides seekers toward purification, perfection, and ultimately, unity with the divine. While the ultimate is indivisible, Patanjali’s wisdom helps the wandering mind find its way back to the source of all existence.

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