Love and Fear Relationship : Fear is Only the Absence of Love

Love is Existential; Fear is Only the Absence of Love | Love and Fear Relationship

The eternal struggle between love and fear has occupied human thought for millennia, symbolized in literature, philosophy, and personal reflection. Yet, the relationship between these two profound emotions might be more simple and fundamental than we initially perceive. Love is existential, a natural state of being, while fear is nothing more than the absence of that love. To truly grasp this distinction is to unlock the secret to overcoming fear, not through direct confrontation, but by allowing love to flow freely and unhindered.

Just as darkness has no existence without the absence of light, fear cannot exist where love thrives. This realization invites a shift in perspective: rather than battling against fear, one must instead cultivate love, as the mere presence of love dispels fear naturally.

The Nature of Fear and Love: Light and Darkness

Fear, like darkness, is intangible. It has no substance or form of its own but exists only where love is absent. And just as you cannot physically grasp or remove darkness, you cannot directly eradicate fear. The key lies in turning on the “light” of love. In every scenario, darkness disappears when light enters the space, and fear vanishes when love occupies the heart. This powerful metaphor gives us insight into the futility of confronting fear directly.

This battle against the non-existent is where countless individuals lose themselves. Like wrestling with shadows, they expend their energy in vain. The harder they fight, the more real fear seems to become. Yet, the truth is that fear has no intrinsic power. It thrives only in the absence of light, of love. And as soon as love is present, fear disintegrates.

The challenge, therefore, is not how to fight fear but how to nurture and amplify love. The more we focus on love, the less room there is for fear to manifest.

Why Fighting Fear is Futile – Love and Fear Relationship

Ancient religions and philosophies often emphasized the need to conquer fear, but in doing so, they missed the mark. The endless struggle with fear led to exhaustion, leaving people feeling defeated by something that didn’t truly exist. In fact, they were grappling with shadows, illusions born of absence.

When one feels defeated by fear, it’s easy to misinterpret that experience as a sign of fear’s overwhelming power. However, the true power lies in the energy expended, not in fear itself. It’s like trying to remove darkness from a room by force. You can swing at it, shout at it, or plead with it, but until you bring in light, your efforts are in vain. Likewise, fear cannot be battled away—only love, like light, can make it disappear.

Cultivating Love: The Real Solution

So, what can we do about love? Unlike fear, love is tangible, existential. It is not a void but a vibrant force, ever-present, though often stifled by our unwillingness to let it flow freely. The problem is not that we lack love; it is that we restrict it, afraid of vulnerability or loss. We tend to hoard love, believing that by giving it away, we will be left with nothing.

However, love functions under a different set of rules than material resources. The more we give, the more we have. Love does not diminish with sharing—it expands, grows, and enriches both the giver and the receiver. This realization is crucial in understanding why love is the answer to fear.

By allowing love to flow freely, we flood our inner world with light. Fear, being the absence of love, cannot coexist with this radiant presence. Instead of focusing on fear and trying to eliminate it, we should focus on nurturing love. Whether it’s love for ourselves, for others, or for life itself, the more we express it, the less room fear has to take hold.

How Our Worldview Affects Our Capacity for Love

Part of the difficulty in embracing love fully is rooted in our worldview. In the material world, we’re taught that giving away our resources—whether money, time, or energy—leaves us with less. This logic is sound when applied to physical possessions, but it doesn’t hold when it comes to love. Unfortunately, many of us internalize this concept and apply it to our inner lives.

We become stingy with our love, fearing that if we give too much away, we will be left empty. This scarcity mindset prevents love from flowing freely. It is essential to break free from this mental limitation and understand that love operates under an entirely different set of principles. The more we give, the more we receive.

Love as a Creative Force – Love and Fear Relationship

Love, like creativity, grows stronger with practice. A musician who plays frequently doesn’t deplete their supply of music; instead, they become more skilled, more expressive. The same applies to dancers, painters, writers—anyone engaged in a creative endeavor. Love is no different. The more we engage with it, the more naturally it flows, enriching every aspect of our lives.

When we withhold love, it becomes stagnant, shrinking into the background of our lives. This stagnation creates a vacuum, and in that vacuum, fear finds its foothold. But by actively loving—through kindness, compassion, empathy, and connection—we nourish our soul’s creative force.

The Flow of Love and Fear – Love and Fear Relationship

Imagine love as a river. When allowed to flow freely, it nurtures the land around it, giving life to everything it touches. But when it’s dammed up, the water becomes stagnant, and the surrounding land turns barren. Fear is like that barren land—it can only exist when the river of love is obstructed.

By unblocking this flow, fear has no choice but to recede. The solution to fear is not to drain the land but to let the water flow again. In other words, we must focus on cultivating love, allowing it to flow freely through our thoughts, actions, and relationships.

Love is the Natural State – Love and Fear Relationship

At its core, love is the most natural state of being. It is inherent in all of us, a gift from the universe, or God, or however one chooses to define it. We don’t need to learn how to love; we need only to remove the barriers we’ve erected that prevent love from flowing. This understanding simplifies the process: instead of striving to become more loving, we need only stop blocking the love that is already there.

In this sense, love is like the sun—always shining, always present. Fear is like a cloud that temporarily obscures the light, but the sun itself is never diminished. By clearing away the clouds, we reveal the love that has always been there, just waiting to shine through.

Conclusion: Love and Fear Relationship

Love and fear are not equals battling for dominance in our lives. Love is existential, always present, always available. Fear, on the other hand, is simply the absence of love. It has no power of its own, no substance, no form. By understanding this fundamental truth, we can stop fighting fear directly and instead focus on cultivating love.

The more we love, the less room fear has to take root. It’s not a matter of combating darkness—it’s a matter of turning on the light. So let love flow, and watch as fear disappears into the shadows.


Why does fear exist if it’s just the absence of love?

Fear arises when love is blocked or withheld. Just as darkness is simply the absence of light, fear is what happens when love isn’t allowed to flow freely.

How can I stop feeling fear?

Instead of focusing on eliminating fear, concentrate on cultivating love. The more love you allow into your life, the less room there will be for fear.

What happens when we suppress love?

When love is suppressed, it becomes stagnant. Over time, this creates a void in our lives, and in that void, fear can take hold.

Can fear and love coexist?

Fear and love cannot coexist in the same space. Where love is present, fear disappears, just as darkness vanishes in the presence of light.

Is love a choice?

Yes, love is a choice, but it’s also our natural state. We can choose to remove the barriers we’ve erected that prevent love from flowing freely.

Why do we fear giving love?

We fear giving love because we believe, incorrectly, that by giving it away, we will be left with less. In truth, the more we give, the more we have.

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1 comment

RRR October 12, 2017 at 6:56 am

Hey! Thank you Very Much.


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