Sacredness of Sex in Spiritual Connection

The Sacredness of Sex: A Path to Divine Union and Spiritual Awakening

Sex, a natural and fundamental aspect of human existence, is often misunderstood or suppressed due to various societal, cultural, and religious doctrines. However, when approached with reverence and acceptance, sex transcends its physical manifestation, becoming a spiritual conduit to divine unity. In moments of profound intimacy, individuals experience a glimpse of transcendence, a state where the boundaries of the self dissolve, allowing them to touch the infinite. This essay explores the sacredness of sex, its relationship to love, and how it can lead to a deeper spiritual awakening when understood and practiced with an open heart and mind.

Sex as a Sacred Act

When a man approaches his wife with the same sacred feeling that one might have when entering a temple, and when a wife approaches her husband with the reverence one reserves for divinity, their union transcends the physical realm. In this union, lovers pass through a sacred portal, one that takes them closer to experiencing the divine. The act of intercourse, far from being a mere physical transaction, becomes a spiritual experience where the boundaries of the self dissolve. In this state, lovers experience a momentary oneness with the divine, where pure creative energy flows through them.

Throughout history, many spiritual traditions have recognized the sacredness of sex. The ancient Tantric teachings, for example, viewed sexual union as a powerful means of connecting with the divine. The moment of climax, where the mind becomes completely still and devoid of thoughts, is akin to the state of samadhi—a state of consciousness where the individual merges with the infinite. In this moment of thoughtlessness, the lovers experience a divine joy that transcends ordinary human experience.

Sex and the First Glimpse of Samadhi

It is believed that humanity’s first glimpse of samadhi, the ultimate state of spiritual enlightenment, occurred during moments of coitus. In these moments, individuals realized the possibility of experiencing profound love and illuminating bliss. Those who meditated on this phenomenon in the right frame of mind discovered that in the climax of sexual intercourse, the mind becomes completely empty, free of thoughts. This emptiness, this void, is what allows the divine joy to shower upon the lovers. In that fleeting moment, they are no longer bound by the limitations of their minds or bodies. They are free, expansive, and united with the divine.

This discovery led to further exploration. If the mind could be emptied of thoughts through the act of sex, could the same state be achieved through other means? Thus, practices such as yoga and meditation were born. Through these practices, individuals realized that they could achieve the same blissful state of thoughtlessness without sexual intercourse. The delight that comes from a momentary union of two bodies could be attained through a more sustained and profound union with the divine.

The Ego: A Barrier to True Love

While sex has the potential to lead individuals to a state of divine union, there is one significant barrier that often prevents this experience from occurring: the ego. The ego, the sense of “I am,” creates a wall that prevents the flow of love. It is the ego that asserts itself in relationships, proclaiming, “You are you, and I am I.” As long as this sense of separation exists, true love cannot flourish.

The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once said, “The other is hell.” This profound statement captures the essence of the ego’s role in relationships. The other becomes “hell” because the ego creates a sense of separation between individuals. Instead of experiencing unity and oneness, the ego insists on maintaining individuality and distinction. In this state, even the most intimate acts of love cannot bring people truly close to one another.

True love, however, is the experience of unity. It is the moment when the walls of the ego crumble, and two individuals become one. In this state of oneness, there is no “I” and “you”—there is only “we.” This fusion of energies, this merging of souls, is what constitutes love. And when this love is extended beyond just two individuals to encompass all of humanity, it becomes communion with God.

The Role of Acceptance in Spiritual Liberation

The path to spiritual liberation begins with acceptance—acceptance of the natural aspects of life, including sex. To fully understand the elemental truth of love, one must accept the sacredness and divinity of sex with an open heart and mind. When we accept sex as a natural and divine gift, we free ourselves from the societal and cultural constraints that have bound us. This acceptance leads to liberation, allowing us to experience the fullness of life and love.

Many spiritual traditions preach renunciation, urging individuals to suppress their natural desires. However, this suppression only leads to further bondage. When we suppress what is natural, we create internal conflict and suffering. True liberation comes from accepting life in its pure and natural form. By accepting sex as a sacred and divine act, we elevate ourselves to higher realms of consciousness, where the mundane becomes the sublime.

Sex as a Gateway to Higher Consciousness

Sex, when approached with the right mindset, becomes a gateway to higher consciousness. It is through the acceptance and reverence of sex that we can transcend the physical realm and touch the divine. Just as coal, when subjected to immense pressure, transforms into a diamond, so too does sex, when approached with sacredness, transform into a spiritual act of love and unity.

This transformation requires a shift in perspective. Instead of viewing sex as something base or sinful, we must see it as a powerful tool for spiritual growth. When we approach sex with reverence and love, we open ourselves to the possibility of experiencing divine joy and unity with the infinite. This is the first step on the path to spiritual awakening.

The Power of Love and Unity

At its core, sex is an expression of love. Love, in its truest form, is the experience of unity—of two individuals becoming one. This experience of unity is not limited to sexual union but extends to all aspects of life. When we learn to love unconditionally, we transcend the boundaries of the self and merge with the divine.

In this state of love, there is no separation between individuals, no sense of “I” and “you.” There is only oneness, a deep and profound connection with all of existence. This experience of oneness is what many spiritual traditions refer to as communion with God. It is the ultimate goal of all spiritual practices—the realization that we are not separate from the divine, but are one with it.


The sacredness of sex, when fully understood and embraced, becomes a powerful tool for spiritual growth and liberation. Through the act of sex, we experience a momentary glimpse of the divine, a state of unity and thoughtlessness that transcends the physical realm. By accepting sex as a natural and divine gift, we free ourselves from societal and cultural constraints, allowing us to experience the fullness of life and love.

Ultimately, the path to spiritual awakening begins with love—love for ourselves, love for others, and love for the divine. When we learn to love unconditionally, we transcend the ego and experience the unity that is at the heart of all existence. This unity is the essence of true love, and it is through this love that we can achieve communion with God.


What is the sacredness of sex?

How does sex relate to spiritual awakening?

What role does the ego play in relationships?

How can we achieve unity in love?

Can the state of bliss experienced during sex be attained through other means?

Why is acceptance important for spiritual growth?

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