Drops All Dogmas : The First Sign of a Seeker is Open Mind

The First Sign of a Seeker is That He Drops All Dogmas

In the vast journey of spiritual seeking, the most essential step for any true seeker is the willingness to let go of all preconceived beliefs and dogmas. Spirituality, unlike rigid religious frameworks or intellectual traditions, is fluid, ever-evolving, and deeply personal. To seek the truth, one must drop the structures that have long confined the mind. This process is not only liberating but also essential for the deeper understanding of existence and God.

To many, this idea seems paradoxical. How can one embark on a spiritual journey without the guiding principles of faith, belief systems, or religious doctrine? But the very nature of seeking implies movement, openness, and an exploration of the unknown. When we cling to dogmas, we are closing the doors to new understanding. The journey becomes static, constrained by what we already believe to be true.

How Can You Seek with a Belief Inside You?

Belief, in its essence, is acceptance without evidence. When someone holds onto a belief, they are not seeking the truth—they are defending what they assume to be the truth. A belief can serve as a comforting anchor in turbulent times, but it also prevents a deeper exploration of reality. If you seek with a rigid belief, you limit your ability to see beyond what that belief allows. This is the reason why true seekers must first empty themselves of all beliefs.

Imagine you are climbing a mountain. If you carry too much weight, the climb becomes slow and arduous, and you may never reach the peak. In the same way, mental and spiritual weight in the form of dogmas can burden the seeker. To experience the higher truths of existence, we must first unburden ourselves of preconceived notions.

A Mind Full of Conclusions is Incapable of Knowing

An open mind is a prerequisite for true knowledge. When the mind is already full of conclusions—about God, about life, about the nature of existence—it ceases to be inquisitive. It becomes closed, impervious to new insights. Knowledge is not something to be hoarded like possessions. It must be fluid, always evolving. A seeker must embody the spirit of curiosity, not the arrogance of knowing.

A mind that claims to know cannot receive new truths. It is like a cup that is already full—nothing more can be added. Only by emptying the cup can the mind become receptive again. This is not to say that knowledge itself is wrong, but that holding onto conclusions too tightly stifles the true exploration of existence.

Drops All Dogmas: Drop Your Knowledgeability

True seekers do not flaunt their knowledge. They understand the limitations of intellectual understanding. Knowledge collected from books, teachers, and religious figures is not the same as firsthand experience. It is secondhand information, and while it can be useful, it is ultimately limiting. The mind’s attachment to “knowing” must be dropped to make room for deeper insights and revelations.

When we drop our knowledgeability, we acknowledge the vastness of what we do not know. This is the beginning of true wisdom. It’s only by accepting our ignorance that we open the door to real learning. As the great mystics have often said, the more you know, the more you realize how little you truly understand.

God Is Not Separate from Existence : Drops All Dogmas

One of the most profound realizations that comes to a seeker who has dropped all dogmas is the understanding that God is not a separate entity who resides outside of the universe, far removed from His creation. God is not the creator in the traditional sense; rather, God is creativity itself. God is the ongoing process of existence, continually manifesting in every moment.

Philosophers and theologians have long propagated the idea of a dualistic God—a God who stands apart from His creation. This creates a separation between the sacred and the mundane, the spiritual and the material. But in truth, such a division is false. The creator and the creation are one and the same. There is no moment when God is not actively creating. Every moment of existence, every breath you take, every flower that blooms, every sunrise you witness—this is God in action.

Drops All Dogmas : Don’t Divide the Creator and the Creation

In dropping all dogmas, we also drop the illusion of separation between the divine and the worldly. We begin to see the divine in everything. When a bird sings, it is God singing. When the wind blows, it is God moving through the world. This realization shifts the way we live. No longer are we searching for God in distant places or through complex rituals. We recognize that God is here, now, in every moment and every action.

This understanding also brings an incredible sense of peace. There is no need to seek God in faraway heavens or abstract realms. He is with us in the present moment, as close as our own breath. Seeking God becomes less about finding something external and more about recognizing the divine presence that permeates all of existence.

The Seeker’s Path: Moving Beyond Knowledge | Drops All Dogmas

The path of the seeker is one of constant evolution and growth. It requires a deep inner transformation that cannot be achieved through intellectual knowledge alone. While learning and knowledge are important tools, they must not be mistaken for the truth itself. True spiritual seeking goes beyond what can be captured in words or concepts. It is experiential, intuitive, and deeply personal.

As seekers, we are called to live in the present moment, free from the limitations of our past beliefs and dogmas. We must be willing to let go of what we think we know and approach life with the openness of a beginner’s mind. This is the only way to truly experience the mystery and beauty of existence.


Why is it important to drop dogmas on the spiritual path?
Dropping dogmas is essential because dogmas are limiting. They prevent open-minded exploration by providing fixed conclusions. True spiritual seeking requires an open, flexible mind that is willing to question everything, even its own beliefs.

How can a seeker stay receptive to new truths?
A seeker stays receptive by maintaining a state of humility and openness. Letting go of preconceived notions, intellectual pride, and rigid beliefs creates space for new insights and deeper understanding.

What is the relationship between God and existence?
God is not separate from existence but is existence itself. The traditional view of God as a distant creator who exists outside of His creation is false. Instead, God is the ongoing process of creativity that manifests in every moment and in everything around us.

How can one experience God in daily life?
You can experience God in daily life by recognizing the divine presence in everything around you. Every natural phenomenon, every interaction, and every moment is an expression of God. By cultivating mindfulness and awareness, you can see the sacred in the ordinary.

Is knowledge a hindrance on the path of seeking?
Knowledge itself is not a hindrance, but attachment to knowledge can be. When the mind clings to conclusions, it becomes rigid and closed off to new possibilities. True seeking requires an open mind, willing to transcend intellectual understanding in favor of experiential knowing.

What does it mean to say “God is creativity”?
Saying “God is creativity” means that God is not a static entity who created the world in the past and then withdrew. Instead, God is the ongoing process of creation that is continuously manifesting in every moment. Every new expression of life is an expression of God’s creativity.

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