Truth is Here and Now : The Path to Enlightenment

Truth Surrounds You Like the Ocean: The Path to Enlightenment

In our daily pursuit of truth, we often forget that truth isn’t something distant or unattainable. It’s as close as the air we breathe, as omnipresent as the ocean that surrounds a fish. Yet, like the fish, we are often unaware of this vast truth because it’s too close, too familiar. We take it for granted. This article delves into the nature of truth, the barriers that prevent us from realizing it, and how mindfulness can awaken us to its presence. As we explore this journey toward enlightenment, we will also examine how dissolving the mind and ego leads to a deeper understanding of life’s ultimate reality.

Truth Is Here and Now

The concept that truth is ever-present may seem paradoxical to many. We live in a world where truth is often seen as something to be discovered, created, or earned through knowledge, experience, or moral conduct. However, this belief couldn’t be further from reality. The truth already exists, both within us and around us. It’s like the ocean that surrounds the fish; the fish may swim its entire life unaware of the ocean’s magnitude simply because it’s always been immersed in it.

In the same way, we are immersed in truth, but we’re often too distracted by the external world to notice. Whether you call this truth “God,” “universal consciousness,” or simply “reality,” it is not something distant or foreign. In fact, truth is closer than close; it’s who we are. The moment we realize this, a profound sense of connection and peace replaces the ceaseless search for something more.

Awareness: The Key to Perceiving Truth

To perceive the truth, one must cultivate awareness. Awareness is not a passive state of being; it is an active engagement with the present moment. Think of a fish swimming in the ocean. It is born in the ocean, lives in it, and eventually dissolves back into it. But unless the fish becomes aware of the ocean, it will never fully comprehend the space it inhabits. Similarly, unless we become aware of the truth, we remain blind to it, even though it surrounds us constantly.

Awareness is about noticing the obvious that has been overlooked. It’s recognizing that the answers we seek are already in front of us. Through practices like mindfulness, meditation, and introspection, we sharpen our ability to observe and experience life in its fullest reality. The journey to truth begins not by seeking it externally, but by tuning into the present moment with clarity and focus.

Mind: The Barrier to Truth

The human mind, magnificent as it is, can also be the biggest obstacle in the search for truth. The mind is full of dreams, thoughts, desires, and distractions—each one pulling us away from the reality of the present. Our mental chatter can become a thick fog that distorts our perception of what is. Instead of seeing truth as it is, we view life through the lens of our own biases, fears, and unfulfilled desires.

This mental fog is much like a movie that plays continuously, keeping us engrossed and disconnected from the real world. We are so fascinated by the narrative of our own thoughts that we miss the truth of the present moment. Our minds are not merely tools for thinking; they are factories of illusions, projecting dreams onto the reality that lies before us. The longer we stay lost in these dreams, the more we distance ourselves from truth.

No-Mind: The Gateway to Enlightenment

To break free from the mind’s illusions, we must enter a state of “no-mind.” This concept of no-mind, also called “Bodhichitta” in Buddhist philosophy, refers to a state of pure awareness, unclouded by thoughts, dreams, or desires. It might sound paradoxical—a mind that is empty yet fully aware—but this state is the essence of true enlightenment.

In the state of no-mind, we are no longer trapped in the fantasies of our mental world. We see reality as it is, free from distortion. It’s a profound shift where the mind becomes a transparent medium, no longer obscuring the truth. This state of pure awareness is often described as Buddha-consciousness or Christ-consciousness. It’s the realization that we are not separate from the truth—we are the truth.

The journey to no-mind is not about rejecting the mind or trying to silence it forcefully. Rather, it’s about becoming so aware that the mind’s distractions naturally fall away. When we stop identifying with our thoughts and stories, we begin to perceive life from a higher state of consciousness.

The Nature of Phenomena: Understanding the Illusion

Atisha, an influential figure in Tibetan Buddhism, famously said, “Think that all phenomena are like dreams.” This statement challenges us to reconsider the nature of our reality. What we experience—whether it’s material objects, thoughts, emotions, or even spiritual experiences—is all part of a larger dream.

This doesn’t mean that life is meaningless or unreal, but rather that our experiences are transient, subjective, and not the ultimate truth. Just as a dream dissolves upon waking, our perceptions of reality are colored by our minds. We believe in the solidity of the material world, the permanence of our emotions, and the validity of our thoughts. But all of these are fleeting phenomena, mere reflections of a deeper truth that lies beyond our subjective experience.

By contemplating that all phenomena are like dreams, we can begin to loosen our attachment to the external world. We no longer take things so seriously. Whether we experience joy or sorrow, success or failure, we understand that these are temporary, and they don’t define who we are at our core. This understanding leads to a sense of inner peace and equanimity, as we are no longer swayed by the ups and downs of life.

The Illusion of the Ego

One of the most significant illusions that keeps us trapped in a false reality is the ego. The ego is the false self, the identity we construct based on our thoughts, emotions, and external achievements. It is the “I” that separates us from others and from the larger truth of existence.

When we see the world as a dream, the ego begins to dissolve. After all, if the objects of our experience are mere illusions, then the subject—the one who perceives—is also part of that illusion. The ego is not the real you; it is simply a construct of the mind, a by-product of the dream. As you begin to see through this illusion, you’ll find that the boundaries between you and the world start to fade. You are not separate from the truth, from life, or from others—you are interconnected with everything.

This realization is the key to awakening. When the ego dissolves, we experience life from a place of unity and oneness. There is no longer a need to strive, to achieve, or to prove ourselves. We are already complete, already one with the truth.

Awakening Through Awareness

As you begin to practice awareness and detach from the illusions of the mind and ego, you’ll find yourself awakening to a new reality. This awakening is not something that happens in a distant future; it happens here and now, in each moment of mindfulness. Every time you observe without judgment, every time you witness your thoughts without getting caught up in them, you take one step closer to realizing the truth.

Once you have experienced this shift in consciousness, your entire perception of life will change. The world will appear more vibrant, more alive, and more interconnected. You will wake up each morning with a newfound clarity, no longer lost in the dreams of your mind but fully present to the reality of existence.


What is truth?
Truth is the ultimate reality that exists both within and around us. It is not something to be discovered or created; it simply is.

How does the mind prevent us from seeing the truth?
The mind, filled with thoughts, dreams, and desires, creates a barrier that distorts our perception of reality. It distracts us from the present moment and keeps us from experiencing the truth.

What is the state of no-mind?
No-mind is a state of pure awareness, free from thoughts, dreams, and desires. It is the gateway to enlightenment and allows us to perceive the truth without distortion.

How can I dissolve my ego?
By recognizing that all phenomena, including the ego, are like dreams, you can begin to loosen your attachment to the false self. As the ego dissolves, you will experience a sense of unity with the truth.

What is the role of awareness in enlightenment?
Awareness is the key to perceiving the truth. Through mindfulness and meditation, we can cultivate a state of pure awareness, allowing us to see reality as it is.

Can spiritual experiences be considered dreams?
Yes, even spiritual experiences like visions or feelings of light are phenomena. They are transient and should not be mistaken for the ultimate truth. we can awaken to the truth that surrounds us. The process of enlightenment is not a pursuit of something external; it is the unveiling of the inner reality that has always been there, obscured by the mind’s distractions. As we peel away the layers of illusion, we begin to experience life with clarity, presence, and an unwavering sense of peace.

Living in this state of awakened awareness changes everything. We no longer cling to temporary experiences, whether joyful or painful, because we see them for what they truly are—fleeting dreams in the vastness of existence. We also stop identifying with the false narratives our mind creates, including the ego, which keeps us separate from the world around us. As we release these mental constructs, we find ourselves at one with the universe, understanding that there is no separation between us and the truth, or between us and others.This realization brings a profound sense of freedom. The need to control, to achieve, and to prove ourselves dissipates. Instead, we move through life with a lightness and grace, fully embracing each moment without attachment. The very act of being becomes an expression of the truth itself. Ultimately, the journey to truth is a return to our most authentic self—a self that is deeply connected to the world, unburdened by illusion, and in complete harmony with the flow of life. Truth is not something to be created, nor is it something far away. It is herenow, ever-present, and waiting for us to wake up and recognize it. As we cultivate mindfulness and let go of the distractions of the mind, we awaken to the reality that we are already one with the truth.This is the essence of enlightenment: not a distant, mystical experience, but the simple, profound awareness that truth is here, now, and always.

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